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The Technology Gardener Welcomes You To The Home Page

site iconI am the Technology Gardener and I welcome you to my Home Page.  I find websites, applications, software, and tools and plant the ideas so that you can then study, research, experiment, and grow from what I have sown.

It is my hope you will find my work interesting and informative.  I am always scouring the web looking for great online apps and downloadable software that makes my life easier.  Once I find something, I look over it, try it out, look for all of the pros and cons, and then give you an honest review so that you can judge for yourself.  I plant the seeds, you make them grow!

I am also looking for resources that may not fall into the online app or downloadable software categories.  These resources may be YouTube videos, tutorial websites, documents, PowerPoint presentations, and other types of media that could be helpful to you.

I am always open to suggestions for apps or software to take a look at and give them a try.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

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I am the Technology Gardner. I find websites, applications, software, and tools and plant the ideas so that you can then study, research, and grown from what I have sewn.